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Biopolinex Sp. z o. o. is a company whose activities are related to energy efficiency, rational use of energy in accordance with the principles of sustainable development, and investments in renewable energy sources



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Firma Biopolinex zarejestrowana jest w Krajowym Rejestrze Sądowym pod numerem 0000345851;

REGON: 060566982; NIP: 9462595328; kapitał zakładowy: 100 000,00 PLN opłacony w całości.



Zapytanie ofertowe nr 01/2018„Zaprojektowanie i wykonanie elementów służących do budowy prototypu instalacji wytwarzania biogazu.”

Do pobrania:Formularz oferty | Zapytanie ofertowe

Ogłoszenie:Uprzejmie informujemy, że w ramach prowadzonej procedury wyboru na zaprojektowanie i wykonanie elementów służących do budowy prototypu instalacji wytwarzania biogazu – ogłoszenie w bazie konkurencyjności nr 1106011 został wybrany wykonawca:„KONSMET” Grzegorz Pryszcz ul. Koncertowa 5A/2820-843 Lublin NIP: 7121600719Oferta wpłynęła 30.04.2018Wartość oferty: 780 000 zł



The project directly falls under the KIS 12.V.1 area, i.e.: "12 - Innovative solutions and technologies in water and wastewater management

V - recovery of water and other raw materials from sewage, point 1 - Technologies using sewage and sludge as a potential material substrate (recovery of products from sewage and sludge), including recovery technologies and the economic use of nutrients. "


"Zero-energy technology for the production of biologically safe organic fertilizer based on sewage sludge" is a response to the need to develop a modern method of managing the increasing amount of municipal sewage sludge. These sediments, previously treated primarily as a potential source of chemical and biological contamination being a real threat to the natural environment, are at the same time a rich resource of various substances that can be reused. The use of sewage sludge in agriculture is supported by an increase in the amount of sewage sludge produced both in Poland and around the world, and a decrease in the amount of organic fertilizers used.

Reducing the supply of crop residues to soils due to simplifications in crop rotation and limiting the use of manure causes a risk of a decrease in the content of organic matter in soils, which has been identified by the European Commission as one of the basic threats to soil quality in Europe.


New paradigms in the technology of treatment of municipal sewage and sewage sludge state that water is a valuable food product (commodity) and sewage treatment plants are installations for obtaining energy and other resources. Transferring this way of seeing the problem to the industrial practice of municipal wastewater treatment plants requires the development of innovative technologies with

a breakthrough and high competitive potential.


During the project implementation, the key goal will be to close two main processes in one technological sequence:

- a patented high-performance biogas production method using a mixture of sewage sludge and locally available biomass

- an innovative method of hygienization of the resulting digestate by means of a fast electron beam, which will ensure effectiveness in combating biological hazards enabling the digestate to be processed into organic fertilizer.


The electron beam method, successfully used in the sterilization of medical equipment, removes microbiological contamination and degrades pharmaceutical residues in wastewater in approximately 95%. Laboratory tests are aimed at determining the possibility of using innovative technology of sludge hygienization and treatment for fertilizer use, developed jointly by the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology in cooperation with Biopolinex, as part of a broader program on the use of electron beams in environmental protection.

As part of the research, the sludge will undergo fermentation, hygiene and treatment. The tests should determine the sediment fertilizer values. The economic assessment for the application of the above technology will also be confirmed. The technology is the subject of the ICHTJ patent application, in which one of the employees of Biopolinex is one of the co-authors. The invention was awarded the gold medal at the IWIS 2017 invention exhibition and the 2017 Golden Laurel of Innovation - NOT.


The right choice of biogas module efficiency will ensure energy self-sufficiency of the technological line and the entire wastewater treatment plant. The solutions applied will significantly reduce the costs incurred by the treatment plants. Thanks to this, the zero-energy technology of producing organic fertilizer based on sewage sludge, developed as part of the project and tested on prototype devices, ready for implementation, will have great competitive potential.


Biopolinex Limited Liability Company, as the beneficiary of the project" Zero-energy technology for the production of biologically safe organic fertilizer based on sewage sludge "implemented in a consortium with the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology based in Warsaw as part of the Intelligent Development Operational Program 2014-2020, Actions 4.1 "Scientific research and development works", Sub-measure 4.1.4 "Application projects"

1. Date of commencement and completion of the operation. 01/07/2019 - 30/06/2022

2. Total eligible expenditure awarded for the operation - eligible expenditure 9 958 875.00, of which co-financing amounts to 7 896 312.50 PLN

3. EU co-financing rate - not exceeding 90%

4. Place of project implementation - 45 Kunickiego Street, 20-417 Lublin, Lublin Province



"Zero-energy technology for producing biologically safe organic fertilizer based on sewage sludge"





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