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Biopolinex Sp. z o. o. is a company whose activities are related to energy efficiency, rational use of energy in accordance with the principles of sustainable development, and investments in renewable energy sources



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Firma Biopolinex zarejestrowana jest w Krajowym Rejestrze Sądowym pod numerem 0000345851;

REGON: 060566982; NIP: 9462595328; kapitał zakładowy: 100 000,00 PLN opłacony w całości.

"Plasma technology for removing nitrogen oxides from flue gas."

Due to the constantly developing maritime transport, which uses heavy diesel oils to generate energy on cargo ships, the amount of harmful oxides emissions from marine sources is still growing. The International Maritime Organization (IMO) in recent years has established Emission Control Areas (ECAs) with stricter regulations on SO2 and NOx emissions to prevent increasing environmental pollution. Such Zones already exist along the US coast, the North Sea or the Baltic Sea, and the incorporation of the Mediterranean into the ECA is also planned.




Graphic 1 - Map of emission control areas.. Source


Currently existing technologies for NOx and SO2 removal are not adapted for installation on ships, or their installation is expensive and difficult due to the limited space on ships and, as a result, some of the ships that are unable to meet the imposed requirements by IMO, they cannot flow into the designated zones, which causes great losses to the maritime business. The solution proposed by IMO is the use of desulphurized fuels, after burning of which no sulfur dioxide is formed. However, this solution is very expensive due to the high cost of desulphurised fuel. Its price is even higher by $ 250 per ton. For a ship that consumes about 20,000 tons of fuel per year, it amounts to USD 3-5 million. In addition, this also does not solve the NOx emission problem.


Graphic 2 - Table of penalties at SECAs in North America for non-compliance with sulfur content in fuels (or lack of desulphurization). Source



If we consider an excess of $ 400 and burning about 50 tons of fuel per day, this gives us $ 20,000 per day ($ 400 • 50 tons = $ 20,000);

in the future this amount will increase to almost $ 40,000 per day ($ 750 • 50 tons = 37 500)


The new technology, which is the subject of the TANGO 2 project, consists in irradiating the exhaust stream with an electron beam from the accelerator, which causes excitation, ionization and dissociation of the main components of the mixture. As a consequence of many physicochemical processes, reactors form free radicals, ions, atoms and secondary electrons, which lead to the oxidation of harmful substances. This method was successfully implemented to remove low concentrations of impurities and high efficiency of NOx and SO2 removal was obtained.In the Tango 2 project 'Plasma technology for removing nitrogen oxides from flue gases', a hybrid method will be developed that combines an electron beam with absorption methods. The advantage of this technology is the ability to simultaneously remove impurities thanks to the oxidation process using an electron beam and then the absorption of impurities in water scrubbers. The achieved efficiency of removing both pollutants on a laboratory scale is very high and corresponds to the sharpening introduced in the Emission Control Zones. It is expected that this technology will be competitive with existing methods that only remove one of the contaminants.



"Plasma technology for removing

nitrogen oxides from flue gas."

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